Welcome to violescent.net aka All That You Are. This domain is my collective of all my various types of sites from fanlistings to cliques and from characters shrines to personal writing sites.
December 31, 2009
The lovely Kim allowed me to adopt the fanlisting for Aslan, and has now given me the swift kick to the butt to get to work on the fansite portion of this site.
July 14, 2009
After over two years of Stargate: Atlantis gracing the cover of violescent.net, I have finally retired that layout and moved to a purely text-based (and text-based image) layout. If you discover any bugs or errors give me a heads up through the email at the bottom of the page.
June 05, 2007
Well after well over a year (514 days to be specific) I have uploaded a new layout to violescent.net! Hurrah for me not being so lazy! Anyways enjoy the layout, I hope to update a few more layouts around the domain in the near future.
July 22 2006
My former updates log, whispers has been revamped into a media review log. Please check it out and perhaps make a recommedation to me to peruse and review :)